Posts tagged with "William Shutze"
Special Topics · 24. November 2024
Nishi Vootukuru (@Nishi_Vootukuru) and Dr. Ezra Schwartz (@ezraschwartz10) interview Dr. William Shutze and Dr. Anahita Dua (@AnahitaDua) to discuss the Get a Pulse on PAD Campaign. The Get a Pulse on PAD initiative (#PulseonPAD), launched in February, 2024, is a patient education and advocacy campaign designed to increase the understanding of peripheral artery disease's risk factors and potential symptoms. Dr. Shutze is a vascular surgeon with Texas Vascular Associates in Dallas, Texas and the...
Special Topics · 25. March 2024
In this episode of Audible Bleeding, editor Dr. Adam Johnson is joined by General Surgery PGY-3 Sasank Kalipatnapu, MS2 Nishi Vootukuru, along with Dr. Anton Sidawy, MD, and Dr. William Schutze to discuss the nuances of the recently launched Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) Outpatient Verification Program, in collaboration with the American College of Surgeons. This episode brings out a conversation exploring the history behind the development of the program, the current state of the program,...
Interviews · 22. August 2021
In this episode, we hear from Dr. Carlos Bechara and Dr. William Shutze on the new SVS Surgical Coaching Program. We discuss the basics of the program and get a first hand look at what a coach and mentee interaction will look like as Dr. Bechara provides Dr. Shutze with his perspective and advice on a common non-clinical problem.