Posts tagged with "Imani McElroy"

Professional Development · 22. December 2024
In this special series, core faculty members of the SVS Leadership Development Program, Dr. Manuel Garcia-Toca, Dr. Kenneth Slaw, and Steve Robischon, discuss the program origins, research regarding good leadership, and how to join. Manuel Garcia-Toca, MD completed his MD at the Universidad Anahuac in Mexico (1999) and MS in Health Policy at Stanford University (2020). Dr. Garcia-Toca completed his residency in General Surgery at Brown University (2008) and a fellowship in Vascular Surgery at...
Interviews · 09. September 2024
In this episode, we discuss the challenges of explanting aortic grafts, the diagnosis and management of infected aortic grafts, as well as tips and tricks for once we're in the operating room. Interviewers/Editors: Mark Basilious, MD Candidate (@markrbasilious) Eva Urrechaga, MD (@urrechisme) Sharif Ellozy, MD (@SharifEllozy) Guests: Dr. Francis Caputo (@FrankCaputoMD) is an Associate Professor of Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, Vascular Surgery Director of the Aorta...
JVS · 30. April 2024
In this episode, we spotlight editorials and abstracts from the Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases, Innovations, and Techniques (JVS-CIT). Editorials and Abstracts are read by members of our SVS Social Media Ambassadors and Editor in Chief of JVS CIT, Dr. Matthew Smeds. Readers: Matthew Smeds (@mattsmeds) Christopher DeHaven (@ChrisDeHavenPSU) Ethan Vieira Litton Whittaker Nicholas Schaper Nishi Vootukuru (@Nishi_Vootukuru) Editorials: Accomplishments and goals: Review of 2023 and previous of...
Interviews · 25. April 2024
In this episode Abena Appah-Sampong (@abenasamp) and Leana Dogbe (@leanadogbe) partner with Vaiva Dabravolskaite ( from ESVS to host an episode discussing social deprivation in vascular surgery. Dr. Tara Mastracci and Dr. Olamide Alabi join us to offer insights into how social deprivation drives disparities in outcomes and steps to how we can shift practice paradigms to better address our patient needs. Dr. Tara Mastracci (@aorticsurgeon) is a vascular surgeon with...
Interviews · 15. October 2023
In this episode, Imani (@iemcelroy) sits down with Dr. Lyssa Ochoa, vascular surgeon and founder of The San Antonio Vascular and Endovascular (SAVE) Clinic, discussing her efforts to decrease diabetic foot amputations in South Texas. Dr. Ochoa was born and raised along the Texas-Mexico border and attended medical school, general surgery residency, and vascular surgery residency at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX. Understanding that collaboration is key to change health outcomes, Dr....
Special Topics · 27. September 2023
Audible Bleeding editors Wen Kawaji (@WenKawaji), Yasong Yu (@YasongYuMD), and Imani McElroy (@IEMcElroy) are joined by Seth Sankary to discuss their experiences this past year going through the fellowship match process. They discuss the pearls and pitfalls of the interview trail and what influenced their final rank list decisions. Show Guests: Seth Sankary, MD - General Surgery Chief Resident at the University of Chicago Follow us @audiblebleeding Learn more about us at...
Interviews · 21. February 2023
In this episode of Audible Bleeding, we sit down with Chloe Powell and discuss her research in physical resilience, understanding patient treatment goals, and pre-operative evaluation before undergoing major vascular intervention. We also delve into her motivations.
Special Topics · 20. November 2022
The COVID pandemic has resulted in increased rates of burnout and mental illness among surgeons. The quiet epidemic of mental illness continues to leave both surgical trainees and staff at increased risk of self-harm or suicide. In this episode, we talk with Dr. Carrie Cunningham and Dr. Dawn Coleman about their efforts to change the narrative and provide data on the impacts of mental health on surgical training and practices.
Interviews · 25. September 2022
In this episode, Imani talks with Dr. Bryan T. Fisher about finding balance in your life, practicing in the private-academic sector, and caring for high-risk patients with peripheral arterial disease.
Interviews · 28. August 2022
As part of the Race & Representation (R&R) Series, we are doing spotlights on vascular trainees and faculty that identify as racial/ethnic minorities underrepresented in medicine (URiM), who have been historically excluded from the field. We hope to amplify these voices as examples of the unique challenges faced by URiMs within vascular surgery and as a source of inspiration and mentorship. In this episode, Imani talks with Dr. Keith Jones and discusses his experiences transitioning...

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